We are a dairy cooperative with a long tradition and international experience. We have a rich history of more than 65 years.

- Foundation of the Bayerische Milchindustrie eGmbH in Munich on September 9, 1952.
- Objectives: Use of the growing milk quantity, in particular skimmed milk because of the limited return options to the producers.
- 1955: Purchase of the Klötzlmühle in Landshut; expansion to the largest production facility of BMI.

- 1971 Start of the export of milk to Italy, which brought significant changes in production at BMI over the next few years.
- 1979: Decommissioning of the production facility in Munich.

- 1991: Purchase of the trading agency Peri in Bozen.
- 1992: Lease of the drying facility in Jessen, Saxony-Anhalt.
- 1994: Relocation of the fresh product production from Nuremberg to Zapfendorf.
- 1995: First engagement abroad. BMI maintains 50% ownership in Anstrom Prague. Whey concentrate is obtained here.
- 1998: Takeover of the agency agreement for the cheese dairy production of the Franken Milch Verwertung eG in Langenfeld.

- 2010 Complete integration of the Elsterland GmbH with the cheese dairy production in Jessen on the 1st of January, 2010.
- First preparations for the planned investments over the next few years are made.
- Closure of the plant in Tischenreuth

- Shutdown of the casein production in Landshut.
- Expansion of the refrigerated warehouse and reorganization of the production machines for curd in Zapfendorf, due to the shutdown of the location in Bad Kissingen.
- Expansion of the cheese plant in Jessen for mozzarella rolls (in total: 2 lines, 4 packaging stations);
- Construction of an independent mozzarella-block machine
- First operation of three independent cheese lines (sliced cheese, mozzarella block, mozzarella ball).mozzarella).
- Foundation of the “Junge BMI” as a young people organization for opinion formers at the BMI.

Kick-off of Extensive investments for further improvement of the Ingredients sector.
- Whey refining in Jessen to WPC 80 and Lactose;
- Renewing and doubling of the demineralization capacities in Winzer.
- 2016: Elimination of MEG Nordbayern
- 2017: Inclusion of quality milk Elbe-Saale

- 1961: Construction of the production facility in Peiting, BMI is involved with 35 % ownership
- 1964: Commissioning of the casein production facility in Landshut.
- 1965: Starting operation in Zapfendorf as a new location of skimmed milk.
- 1968: Begin of operation in the Winzer production facility, Lower Bavaria.

- 1982: Complete takeover of the steady milk production facility in Peiting
- 1984: Relocation of the administrative headquarters to Landshut.
- 1987: Lease of the first primary dairy production facility in Marktredwitz to secure the supply of raw milk.
- 1988: Foundation of the BMU; BMI holds 40% ownership; BMU produces fresh products and cheese in Nuremberg, Windsbach, and Ebermannstadt.

- 2001: Takeover of the cheese trading agency Scarlatti GmbH in Bern.
- 2001: Fusion of BMU to BMI.
- 2002: Lease of the primary dairy facility in Tirschenreuth.
- 2003: Complete integration of the cheese dairy in Langenfeld to the BMI. The Frankenmilch-Verwertung makes a contract with the BMI about milk supplement. The contract runs 10 years.
- 2008: Expansion of the fresh produce sector at the locations Wuerzburg, Bad Kissingen, and Obermaßfeld due to the complete integration of the Milchwerke Mainfranken into BMI on the 1st of January.

- Start of the decontamination of the speciality location Ebermannstadt.
- Integration of MEG Mittelgebirgsbauern (first own organic raw milk).

Renovation and expansion of the cheese dairy in Jessen (through 2018), due to the shutdown of the production facility in Langenfeld.

Expansion of a reusable bottle station in Würzburg (through mid-2017), due to the shutdown of the location in Obermaßfeld.